Eden Prairie High School Alpine Ski Team

Alpine Skiing is a competitive athletic activity under the Minnesota State High School League. The Eden Prairie High School Alpine Ski program consists of a boys varsity and junior varsity team, and a girls varsity and junior varsity team.
The EPHS Alpine Ski Team strives to excel in competition while at the same time developing skill, character, positive attitude, leadership, individual responsibility, and a love for the sport of alpine skiing.
The Alpine Ski Team will be helping carry out groceries at the Kowalski's Market in Eden Prairie on Sunday, December 15th between 10am and 6pm! Athletes and parents, please sign up to help out. Friends and family, please stop by on December 15th to support the Eden Prairie Alpine Ski team!
To learn more about the amazing Eden Prairie High School Alpine Ski team, check out the FAQ below along with our News and Announcements and Calendar pages. Results from completed races can be found on our Race Results page. Additional resources for athletes and their families, including sign-up links for opportunities to help out, can be found on the Resources page.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can join the team?
Any Eden Prairie student currently enrolled in grades 7-12 and making appropriate progress towards graduation (as determined by EPHS) can participate on the Eden Prairie High School Alpine Ski Team.
New members should be strong downhill skiers, but do not need to have ski racing experience.
What kind of skiing is it?
Minnesota High School teams compete in the discipline of alpine slalom skiing. Alpine slalom ski racing is a competitive skiing event in which skiers must navigate a course marked by a series of poles or gates. The gates are spaced much closer together than in other alpine skiing events, requiring skiers to make quick, tight turns to pass through them. The skier who completes the course in the fastest time without missing any gates or straddling a gate (which would result in disqualification) is declared the winner. The event is typically held on a steep, snowy slope, and skiers must use their skills and techniques to navigate the challenging course as quickly and efficiently as possible. During a race, each skier makes two runs down the course. The times from the two runs are added together, and the fastest total time determines the winner. Individual times are combined for a team result.
What equipment is needed?
Skis - It isn't necessary to purchase slalom race skis when first starting with the team. Athletes can use recreational skis to start (although use of twin-tip skis is discouraged). As the athlete progresses in the sport, he or she may want to upgrade to race skis.
Poles and Pole Guards - Skiers will need ski poles and will want to have pole guards once they begin to cross block the gates.
Helmet with Face Guard - Helmets are required by the MN State High School League. Face Guards can be purchased at most ski shops. Face guards only attach to certain types of helmets, so a new helmet may be necessary.
Shin Guards - Shin guards are not necessary until the racer starts to get closer to the gates.
GS Suits - GS Suits are not required, but many of the racers choose to wear them.
Warm Outdoor Clothing - It can be cold on the ski hills in Minnesota. Wearing multiple layers of clothing is best.
Goggles - A clear lens is generally preferred as a majority of our practices and races are held in the evening.
All equipment can be purchased at local ski shops. Used equipment is also a good option and can be purchased at ski swaps that take place around the cities in the fall. Coaches are happy help athletes figure out what is the best equipment for their ability and race level.
When and where does the team practice?
As a high school winter sport, the ski season starts in mid-November and ends in early February.
Once there is enough snow on the hill, the team practices at Hyland Hills Ski Area in Bloomington and will be held each school day from 7 pm to 9 pm, except on race days. Prior to getting on the hill, the team holds dryland practice at Eden Prairie High School from 7 pm to 8:45 pm. Prior to the season, in early November, the captains hold a few captains' practices at the high school to meet new skiers and get ready for the season.
When and where does the team race?
Varsity races are held at Buck Hill on Thursdays starting at 4 pm, and junior varsity races are held at Hyland Hills Ski Area on Fridays starting at about 4:30 pm. Girls and boys practice together, and generally race at the same time but race on separate courses and are scored separately. In addition, the team competes in a number of Invitational Races each year.
How much does it cost?
As with all high school sports teams, there are costs that will be incurred with membership. Costs vary somewhat from year to year, and person to person, but here is a breakdown of costs associated with the team.
Activity Fee - paid directly to Eden Prairie High School when you register for the team.
Hyland Season Pass (required to participate) - Pricing is determined by Hyland and is discounted if purchased in advance. Current pricing can be found on their Hyland Hills Hours & Rates website page.
Team Fee - This fee use used to help offset team costs (such as replacing gates).
Ski Equipment - See question above for information on required and optional ski equipment.
Team Training Trip (optional) - Roughly every other year, the team takes a training trip to Lutsen Mountains at the beginning of the season. There is an additional cost for those athletes who want to go on this trip - which is everyone because it is a blast!
Team Apparel (optional) - Team apparel such as sweatshirts, t-shirts, hats, etc. is decided on and designed by the captains each year, and made available for purchase. There is also a SYNC Championship Shell Ski Jacket with the EP Alpine logo and racer's name available for purchase by athletes.
Can I earn a Varsity Letter in Alpine Skiing?
Athletes on the EPHS Alpine Ski Team are eligible for awards and recognition including team and Lake Conference awards, as well as Eden Prairie High School Varsity Letters and Participation awards.
Still have questions about the team?
Please contact us and one of our coaches will be more than happy to get back to you.